Coin Kiss
my value shines invisible penniless
words are substitute prostitutes
for it is the face value, the penetrating sounds
my façade worth, fear fucks, and robs
some tokens, gold coins, different sides, but always two sides
of a coin, in the air and then ZZ
whoever thinks “sleeps with monsters” Rich
the flip, the metallic feather taking wings, and the fall is inevitable
right into the mouth, stuck between the teeth
of a crocodile, erect, dangerously
the coined “I,” capitalist, objectifying
the person condensed and squeezed into
a tight whole grammatically
eaten and alive, Schrodinger’s pussy
the crocodile tears
us apart
part human, part animal, J’ai mal
pleasure is stolen, not earned
pleasure is bitten, not kissed
image: Midjourney / Cihan Yurdaün